Liz Ortenburger: Including Survivors in Nevada

Liz OrtenburgerFor two decades, Liz Ortenburger has been fighting for the rights of women and children. Prior to joining SafeNest, which provides services for victims of domestic violence in Nevada as well as advocacy and prevention education, Ortenburger served in leadership positions at the Girl Scouts and the YMCA. In her current position as the CEO for SafeNest, Ortenburger directs her energy and passion to ending the epidemic of domestic violence.


As someone who works with survivors, how do you believe Marsy’s Law helps current victims and survivors of crime?

Marsy’s Law keeps us up to date on critical information and, importantly, works to give survivors a voice as they navigate the criminal justice system.      

In discussing the criminal justice system with victims and survivors, what have you found to be common themes/frustrations for those navigating the system?

Victims/survivors want to be included in the process. They want to know and understand what’s happening in their case. We want to limit confusion and empower survivors with support and information.

Which component of Marsy’s Law for Nevada stands out most to you and why?

The right to be informed of the conviction, sentence, place and time of incarceration, or other disposition of the defendant, the scheduled release date of the defendant, and the release of or the escape by the defendant from custody. This right empowers survivors and gives them a sense of control throughout the criminal justice process, which can be at times frustrating and overwhelming. 

As you've worked to spread awareness about Marsy's Law in Nevada, what has been the response from those you work with and in your community?

Working with Marsy’s Law for Nevada provides yet another platform to unite, inspire and motivate our community to support – AND understand – victims’ rights.   


Learn more about Marsy's Law for Nevada