Marsy’s Law for Illinois Names Victims’ Rights Champions


Springfield, Illinois (April 11, 2019) — Marsy’s Law for Illinois, in honor of National Crime Victims’ Rights Week (April 7-13) has named seven individuals as Victims’ Rights Champions. Each honoree has played an integral role in either the passage of Marsy’s Law (formally called the Illinois Crime Victims' Bill of Rights) or the ongoing effort to fully implement Marsy’s Law.  

Marsy’s Law for Illinois amended the 1993 Rights of Crime Victims and Witnesses Act by establishing additional protections for crime victims and their families. Seventy-eight percent of voters approved the measure as a constitutional amendment on November 4, 2014. It became law in 2015.

“These heroic advocates for victims of violence fought hard in Illinois to ensure enforceable crime victims’ rights were in Illinois’ Constitution. Generations to come will long benefit from their courage and commitment. It was one of the greatest honors of my life to work at their side in this successful cause,” said Jennifer Bishop-Jenkins, Marsy’s Law for Illinois State Director.

The 2019 Victims’ Rights Champions are:

  • Reverend Jesse Jackson, Rainbow PUSH Coalition;
  • Jonathan Jackson, Rainbow PUSH Coalition;
  • Lisa Madigan, Former Illinois Attorney General;
  • Sheila Simon, Former Illinois Lt. Governor, Southern Illinois University Law Professor, and chair of Marsy’s Law Steering Committee;
  • Cindy Hora, Former Director of Illinois Department of Crime Victims’ Services, Illinois Attorney General’s office;
  • Vickie Smith, Executive Director of the Illinois Coalition Against Domestic Violence;
  • and Polly Poskin, Executive Director of the Illinois Coalition Against Sexual Assault.

Since 1981, NCVRW has been held every April to promote laws, policies, and programs to help victims of crime, as well as educate citizens about victimization and the effect it has on individuals, families, friends and the community.



Marsy’s Law is named after Marsalee “Marsy” Nicholas of California who was stalked and killed by her ex-boyfriend in 1983. Only a week after her murder, Marsy’s mother and brother walked into a grocery store where they were confronted by the accused murderer. The family had no idea he had been released on bail. For more information, please visit and follow us on Facebook and Twitter.