Pages tagged "Mississippi"
Priscilla Dawson
Priscilla Dawson, a lifelong resident of Jackson, MS, is the mother of three and grandmother of five. When her daughter became the victim of sexual assault, she set out to fight for justice for her daughter. She graduated from John W. Provine High School in Jackson, Mississippi in 1984 before attending Jackson State University where she received my B.S. in Criminal Justice and my M.A. in Criminology & Justice Services. She is currently employed with the Hinds County Sheriff’s Office as the Quality Assurance Coordinator.
Read moreMississippi Can Do Better - Kristen Liberto
State Investigator Kristen Liberto understands the need for stronger crime victims’ rights in Mississippi. Victims of crime deserve more from Mississippi’s criminal justice system.
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Tara Mills
Ishaunna Gully
When she was 20 years old, Ishaunna Gully was shot in the back by her ex-boyfriend, leaving her paralyzed and terrified. Throughout the sentencing, Ishaunna received no explanation of her rights or the proceedings. She felt alone in the system and just wanted the whole process to end. Throughout the traumatic physical and mental recovery and legal battles, she became more and more determined that Mississippi can do better. She now runs “Take a Stand, No More,” a victims’ organization assisting victims of domestic violence. Now, she’s on a mission to convince Mississippi lawmakers and voters that in order to do better, Mississippi needs Marsy’s Law.
Read moreTeressa Ellzey
Through her work as a Victim Advocate with The Shafer Center for Crisis Intervention in Hattiesburg and Laurel, Mississippi, Teressa Ellzey has seen firsthand how important having a voice is in the road to recovery. She supports victims through all phases of recovery, including hospital visits and navigating the court system. "I am a victim's advocate first and foremost," she says. "I am a voice not only for The Shafer Center, but for victims that can't or are not willing to speak out about sexual assault."
Read moreFunteller Hicks
Marsy's Law for Mississippi Kicks Off Statewide Campaign
PHILADELPHIA, MISS.: On Thursday, August 1, Speaker Philip Gunn will be joined by elected officials and victims’ rights advocates to formally kick off the statewide campaign for Marsy’s Law for Mississippi at the Neshoba County Fair, Cabin 211, at 12:40 p.m.
Read moreMayor Johnny Magee Stands Up for Victim's Rights by Endorsing Marsy's Law
Polling Shows Overwhelming Support for Equal Rights for Crime Victims
Read moreMississippi Mayors Stand Up for Victims' Rights by Endorsing Marsy's Law
JUNE 5, 2019, JACKSON, MISS.: Four Mississippi Mayors have officially endorsed the passage of Marsy’s Law in Mississippi, a law that seeks to amend the state constitution to give crime victims an equal level of constitutional protections, no less vigorous, than those afforded to the accused and convicted.
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