1 min read

I'm a Victim – Marsy's Law

Like you, I am a victim and survivor of a violent crime. My sister, her husband and their unborn child were murdered many years ago. The devastation caused by violent crime in our lives is something few others can understand that have not experienced it. Whether you have survived a sexual assault or domestic violence, the homicide of a loved one, or other life-changing violence, know that you have a family here in the Marsy’s Law community. We are working together to change history and strengthen protections for victims in the criminal justice system so that the legal process doesn’t make things worse for us. We invite you to join this family, this movement. Together our voices will help victims to have better outcomes. Thank you for sharing your stories, and for turning our pain into greater purpose.

Love and Support,
Jennifer Bishop-Jenkins,
Marsy’s Law for Illinois

I'm an Attorney – Marsy's Law

Victims’ rights are critical to justice. As is true of all rights, however, victims’ rights cannot be truly meaningful until they are enforced in our...

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Attorney General Mike DeWine Supports Marsy's Law for Ohio

"It's time we do something to ensure our criminal justice system is truly balanced."

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Kentucky Voters Say YES! to Amendment #1 (Marsy's Law)

Marsy’s Law will now be added to Kentucky’s constitution, ensuring the inclusion, participation, and respect of victims and their families as they...

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