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Read updates from Marsy's Law efforts across the country.

Marsy's Law for Mississippi Kicks Off Statewide Campaign

PHILADELPHIA, MISS.: On Thursday, August 1, Speaker Philip Gunn will be joined by elected officials and victims’ rights advocates to formally kick off the statewide campaign for Marsy’s Law for Mississippi at the Neshoba County Fair, Cabin 211, at 12:40 p.m.

Mayor Johnny Magee Stands Up for Victim's Rights by Endorsing Marsy's Law

Polling Shows Overwhelming Support for Equal Rights for Crime Victims


Marsy’s Law for Florida Takes Legal Action in Support of Child Crime Victim’s Constitutional Rights


August 28, 2019


Jennifer Fennell, CoreMessage

(850) 222-3767, [email protected]

One Step Further for Victims’ Rights Bill, NC House Votes Yes

RALEIGH, NC. (August 27, 2019) – Legislation to implement Marsy’s Law, the constitutional amendment to strengthen victims’ rights approved by voters last year, has passed through the N.C. House  and is one step closer to becoming law. Lawmakers, advocates and criminal justice professionals have worked relentlessly to ensure victims receive the rights they so strongly deserve and to ensure that the bill gives guidance to the agencies tasked with enforcing Marsy’s Law. The decision now lies with the Senate on whether to pass the bill before the constitutional amendment goes into effect on August 31.


A Closer Look at Marsy's Law in Ohio

David Voth has been the Executive Director of Crime Victim Services (CVS) since 1985 in West Central Ohio. CVS has 40 staff serving in programs of Court Appointed Special Advocates, Child Advocacy Center, Relationship and Sexual Violence, Human Trafficking, Court Advocacy, Elder Victim Ministry, Guardianship, Special Victims Unit for underserved victims, and Violence Prevention in schools and college campuses.  CVS has counselors and an attorney on staff. David authored the book, “Quality Victim Advocacy: A Field Guide” and received the United States Congress Victim Rights Caucus Outstanding Victim Advocate Award. He helped pass the Ohio Marsy’s Rights Constitutional Amendment in 2017 by an 83% margin. We recently interviewed him about how Marsy's Law helps victims and survivors of sexual assault and the need for victims rights.