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Read updates from Marsy's Law efforts across the country.

Statement Regarding the Passage of Victims of Crimes Bill (SB 1012/HB 697)


Marsy’s Law for Florida commends the Florida Legislature on the passage of SB 1012/HB 697 sponsored by Senator Danny Burgess and Representative Colleen Burton, which achieves two important goals for crime victims.

So Much To Be Proud Of


Unfortunately, the Iowa Legislature did not keep our constitutional amendment for victims' rights alive past the legislative funnel. Our issue is no longer eligible to be considered this year. 

Our Fight is Not Over

We have been battling for Iowa crime victims for many years. Thanks to you, and our steadfast coalition, we have made tremendous progress over the years. Our time for starting the process to amend our constitution is quickly slipping away. If we do not pass a bill out of a legislative committee by Feb. 18, our issue is dead for the year. Here's how you can help...  

This is Marsy's Law at Work

While legislators discuss moving forward with a constitutional amendment in Iowa, there have been some special interest groups who have tossed around scary "what ifs" that could happen. The truth though, is that 36 other states across the country have victims' rights amendments and defendants still have due process, victims are not being given party status, it's not costing taxpayers more money. Quite the opposite - it's working. Victims are being heard. They are being protected. And if their rights are violated, they can actually do something about it. 


Marsy’s Law for Georgia Plans to Introduce Criminal Record Responsibility Act to General Assembly of Georgia


The bill requests the reestablishment of the Criminal Case Data Exchange Advisory Board to provide guidance to law enforcement officers and agencies encouraging consistent criminal justice data entry into the Georgia Crime Information Center  

Marsy’s Law for Georgia Plans to Introduce Criminal Record Responsibility Act to General Assembly of Georgia


The bill requests the reestablishment of the Criminal Case Data Exchange Advisory Board to provide guidance to law enforcement officers and agencies encouraging consistent criminal justice data entry into the Georgia Crime Information Center